Power Mode
Max. Average Power15 W
Power Calibration Uncertainty± 5%
Energy Mode
Max. Energy40 µJ (a)
1000 µJ (b)
Min. Energy1 µJ (a)
40 µJ (b)
Max repetition rate1 MHz
Energy Resolution0.01 µJ
Energy Calibration Uncertainty± 5%
Absorber Specs
Aperture14 x 14 mm
Spatial Uniformity (2)± 5 %
Min. Beam diameter3 mm
Absorber Spectral Range0.2 - 11 µm
Calibration Spectral Range0.355 µm
0.532 µm
1.07 µm
10.6 µm (c)

Max Power Density (2)0.1 kW / cm2
Max Energy Density (3)35 mJ/cm²
General Characteristics
CoolingForced Air (e)
Maximum sensor operating temperature 40 °C
Weight380 g
Dimensions60 x 60 x 66 mm
Cable length 2 m
Stand and PostLight Duty Stand
(1) 3mm beam diameter, scanning 80% of active area
(2) Damage thresholds also depend on power level.
(3) Single shot

(a). wavelength 1064nm, pulse duration < 10 ns
(b). wavelength 1064nm, pulse duration = 10 ms
(c). 10.6 µm sensor reflectivity 70%
(d). Others wavelength on request
(e). Recommended ambient temperature: 10 -35 °C
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Categoría: Ordering code: N/D
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